Lord Plopington

"Booo! this honky!"

Probably the height of their commercialism/sensationalism, not really their doing. I think it more came from the machine built around them.

anything by max bemis.

ps. Who's Max Bemis?

That song was written after somebody stole his journals and he felt raped. Fuck this guy.

I get that. To me rock n roll was always more a state of mind, an essence. There's people that carry that.

I just see it more as a going backwards to find signs of life. Like music had gone far enough, lost its way and he started going backwards instead. I get the performance vibe, but I mean…dude's a pure wizard. At this point I appreciate genuine mojo over anything. yay, it's somewhat of a coping mechanism for dealing

Deerhunter, Black Lips, Courtney Barnett, King Kahn & BBQ Show, Maybe the Welders…gtfo rock music is dead.

Also Australia is coming out with some real living music these days. Not rehashed, very original, very organic.

http://www.xpn.org/ If you're at a loss for sources. I actually get this on FM radio where I live. One of the last non-clear channel broadcast radio stations.

I don't think early white stripes were ironic at all. They were just transmuting the old great ones, like the slightly less old great ones did. JW has the formula down pat and ought be lauded as one of the few remaining true bloods in this game.

The Black Stripes

sooooo much hype

You just gotta know where to look. The Black Lips are rock and roll and there are a TON of others, you just don't hear about em like you used to. There used to be this channel where you could learn about all these cool new bands and they'd play their songs, but they were like movies to the songs. I forget the name of

That's basically what the anaconda music video looks like.

that's wrong man. Cuz what if you did all that and got within a foot of her ass, you'd be so delirious from loss of blood, exhaustion and mental anquish (nickelback) that you probably wouldn't even be able to enjoy it.

Lotta casual racism in this one.


She's white and doesn't really rap but still fits in with the glamour rap image of mtv 2014, that's what makes her a rock artist.