
Ha ha ha ha!! That is probably the dumbest thing you could have said. Catch you later

You guys are fixated on 20 year old Robert. He is musically always exploring. Mick is great but he hasn't grown musically at all. His Shape Shifter band is amazing. A bio about Robert should be about what continues to drive him instead of being a jukebox trying to recreate the past.

So what? Zeppelin was sex. His lyrics were perfect for the music and he sang his ass off. He still does. He's also led a monster life and is constantly reinventing himself musically. The bio comes up short, was the point of the review.

What's wrong with that? His lyrics fit D'Yer Mak'er, which is a song about a joke. What should he have written about instead? Slavery in the Caribbean? You also ignore that he also has written other songs about deeper things, such as the death of his son. But hey, you know best, because you can make a straw man

Your post reveals that you are out of your depth when talking about Mr Plant