
I nearly puked thinking they were going to trot out Hannah to the middle of that circle.

I have to admit, I almost puked thinking it was going to be Hannah trotted out for that stoning.

Mike's searching for arrowheads with a metal detector? Anybody else see the error in that dialogue?

I generally hate trailers with a passion… but but Roger Deakins… Blade Runner…

It's been a while, but it seems to me I preferred the Final Cut. Hmm.

Go to a theater, preferable one showing the Director's Cut in 70mm (35 anyway, not some digital crap). Get a glass of wine maybe or get a little high if you're into that kind of buzz. Skip the popcorn, because if you have any kind of aesthetic sense you won't touch it. Find an optimal seat. Take a couple of relaxing

I believe Kim told Jimmy to put a (single) dollar in her pocket - exactly like Saul Goodman did with Walt and Jesse.

On a related note, there's an all girl DEVO cover band in Austin with the most brilliant cover name ever: We Are Not Men.

This guy must be from Wisconsin.

North American Scum!

In the Air: The Handsome Family

The Angry Young Men: Urban Verbs

Just watched Always Shine. Queen of Earth is thematically similar. It's also a much better movie - and terribly underappreciated.

Westworld seems to be veering into Lost-level dumb twist/subplots. If next episode doesn't redeem, I'm out.

Also, I've had three epidurals and they're not that effective nor would a doctor do it without using an x-ray machine for guidance.

B? I thought this episode was a D! They should have never brought Chet back. This show needed to do something different this season rather than simply ramping up the underhanded manipulation of season 1. The first season held so much promise, but I'm giving season 2 one more episode before I give up on it. Ugh.

Just tried to watch episode 4. Season 1 showed so much promise, but season 2 just plain sucks. Chat should have never come back and they should have moved on to something truly different rather than simply ramping up the same old manipulative tricks. Ugh.

I came here to say this^.

Doesn't Nacho work for Gus Fring later on? Maybe he did do it on purpose while Fring put the note on the car?