
why do this insist on ad shoots / marketing shooting near the sea / in saltwater... as this car is now ruined anyone dumb enough to do this with their own car would also find it was ruined...

keep your doors looked , scan your surroundings , try to position your car with an escape route whenever possible...

great a truck you can’t put anything in because the engine is in the bed... and that can’t go up a hill at more than 24mph.... YAY???

ran when parked... under beach and Sierra Crew Cab 4x4... I mean maybe sort of jerk move.. but that car was totaled before that truck ran over it..

expect to see a new one of those “we’ve covered it” commercials?

In College I made friends with all the Russian and Eastern European kids.. because it was just good policy... they did all seem to have the zero fucks attitude and nobody was going to give you a hard time when you knew ALL the Russian Foreigner students ..

maybe you didn’t notice ME: USN

Some of us served... or our families did, U.S. Army (WWII, Korea, Vietnam) my grandpa (RIP), USMC ( Vietnam) Uncle, U.S. Army (Vietnam) Uncle,USN (DS) me,

rich people...

oh lol.. the financing starting at $615 a month... can I just say **** that..

That is way more than a $1k bike the reward is $1k but the actual cost of such a bike would be many thousands of dollars

y’all know what if I had to leave my home and take my family to an emergency shelter I’d prefer if the sheriff was rounding up wanted criminals and not letting sex offenders run amok among my family.