Kind of sounds like they’re trying to make his work look better than it actually is.
Kind of sounds like they’re trying to make his work look better than it actually is.
I know you want to be edgy & leftist
I figured it would be which is why I didn’t want to harp on it too much. I know that honestly I just need to kick my own ass and learn it. Every time I try, I get a little further, but I feel like Gollum vs the Hobbits: “we hates it! Nasty AVID!” That’s another reason I need to diversify, being versatile is a huge…
I’m not saying he can’t work hard or attain goals, but considering literally everything is founded on nepotism, and they’re crediting him as the person who took down Weinstein, I definitely think there are other people who should be getting the praise showered upon him.
Yeah. This cycle seriously needs to be broken. Not to disregard his work, but there are plenty of people who can do just as well who are more deserving of it.
Dude, he was arguing that Windows is more streamlined for video than Mac; where you literally hit spacebar to preview shit. I was absolutely baffled. I’m never the kind to preach: “such and such is the only way to edit” but having just come off a project where I’d been editing on Windows for 4 months I was just like:…
Hahaha I mean it’s so obvious does there even need to be a conversation though?
Can I just say as a female editor (advertorial & digital shows) your post is inspiring, and I’m so angry that it’s still so hard. I had a friend move down to So Cal and I’m so happy she’s getting work so quickly, I really hope the tides are starting to turn.
Some day I want to go into film & tv, and put all the…
How the hell is calling you a dunce racist!? I called you a stupid person, because you were being a stupid person. You’re the one who was hostile in the first place.
Way to get butthurt when someone proved you were being snarky for no good reason.
That’s so rad. Some day I want to win my own hahaha. I’ve held a pretty big racing trophy once, but that’s about it.
I wish I’d known them then. He brought it to a party and everyone got to hold it hahaha.
Did you seriously dismiss my response saying that I’m a woman and that you completely missed the point?
Yesssss that’s so awesome to hear. If I ever branch into tv I’d definitely like to start on a show like hers. A friend of a friend was a writer on Oliver’s show and said the same about him, and he won an emmy to boot!
He would rather have millions of people see his dick than wear underpants. Which is delightful!
I think everyone who works hard at their career should be respected, but no one should be admired unless their contributions have actually done something for mankind. And even then, they can still be a total arsehole. So the lesson is don’t admire anyone ever.
As an asshole, I second that statement.
It’s also kind of obvious she’s defending her lifestyle instead of objectively considering the welfare of animals based on how aggressive and condescending she became to anyone to disagreed with her.
I wasn’t trying to age shame you, I was pointing out how your view that only because of age and experience can one be an authority on something is close-minded, I’m not saying let’s listen to teenagers, but “with age comes wisdom” is a stupid quote when you look at how fucked things are now for the current and next…