Jorah in a Fedora stars his own comments

I haven’t sketched out anything, but I’m doing some pretty great things. You gotta take the risk if you think it’s worth it. But make sure you have some kind of cushion in case it doesn’t work.

For sure. I live for me!

You can be garbage without being a sexual offender you know...

Good. I hope they’re not trash too. Too many prominent women are also sneaky with how garbage they are.

I’m not quite sure I get you, are you saying as in it’s possible? Because go for it if so. I could go for a job like that but I’m not willing to move to NYC, and don’t have enough connections.

Someone linked him defending accusations so it might a question of how long now.

That’s nice.

Dang. Wow. I’m ever the optimist, so maybe this is your opportunity to find a piece of man candy who isn’t garbage now.

Well you have to have an ego the size of a zeppelin to do acting in the first place. With my massive ego I’m surprised why I don’t rule Hollywood with an iron fist yet.

She needs to stop that nonsense right now, it’s completely ruined any cred she has.


Those are the only exceptions I’ll accept. Bless John Oliver. I wish I worked for his show. And Samantha Bee is just me from a Canadian alternate dimension.

Having an egalitarian streak, and especially after working with celebrities, I learned to never admire anyone you don’t know, because there’s a 98% chance they’re a deluded asshole who’s surrounded by sycophants.

Of course he did. Because #allmenaretrash and #banishmentothemoon

But on a better note, since he’s your best friend you might actually be able to get through to him if you sit him down gently and then slap him silly while screaming: “YOU ARE TRASH.” “ALL MEN ARE TRASH.” until he gets it.

But all joking aside you might

Point them to Amber Tamblyn’s great op-ed, particularly the part about how men are forming little groups to feel safe, and how they still don’t realise that’s exactly how we feel ALL THE TIME.

The year is 2017 and everyone you’ve ever liked or admired is garbage.

That’s all fine and good. Most of the vets I know who don’t recommend it have been working just as long or longer, and I tend to agree with them based on my own studies. Your efforts to be patronizing are really making you look sad and angry, btw.
And yeah they technically “can do well”, but you’re
a) taking the

You’re really defensive about this, I never extended to name-calling, I only pointed out what is a commonly accepted fact.

It’s food aggression. That dog actually wants to continue eating the cabbage, and is snarling at the person trying to take him/her away from it.