1. They’re scavenging carnivores
1. They’re scavenging carnivores
I feel really sorry for your dogs.
Studying Zoology, and having most ecologists and vets agree with me, begs to differ.
Copypasting my answer to the person above:
Copypasting my answer to the person above:
Incorrect. Dogs are Scavenging Carnivores, not Omnivores.
You’re awfully defensive about your whiteness, bub.
Wouldn’t it be, I don’t know, really jarring to randomly have a somewhat realistic depiction of a person in a game where none (keyword: none) of the characters are human?
Shut the fuck up dude. And get off your fucking high horse while you’re at it.
I love studying our Hiberno-English dialect. Unfortunately being an expat I’ve lost a lot of it, but trips back home can be a fun refresher. “I’ve an awful hunger on me” basically translates back to the original Irish. I’d love to see a chart on the small differences too.
But it’s not the same as the destruction of the languages in the new world. There are definitely parallels, but to say what we went through is as bad as what First Nations and Native Americans still go through is unfair. We have a much firmer grasp on our culture and traditions, where many many FN and others had…
*Gaeilge. I also wrote a response to Moral Dictator detailing this but they dismissed it. Because they just want to be right.
Since the Moral Dictator dismissed my comment (and every dissenting opinion) in response to them I’ll post it again:
Please do not use our cultures to validate your own stupid point. It’s disgraceful. And the destruction of culture in my country was perpetrated by white people, so the comment still stands. And also you have to be willfully stupid at this point to infer that she was talking globally when the article itself is about…
Dialects are still not languages – also, nice job dismissing my comment, it only serves to make you look like a bigger asshole – and most of your “accents” are a result of colonialism and the destruction of those native languages.
I mean, the absolute gall of it. Half of those “accents” come from their brutal colonization of those places.
I mean historically the all blacks were a white team and ripped it off the Maori teams, because white people are always terrible. But I understand where you’re coming from.
This comment is fucking offensive. Your loss of accent is not the same as the loss of an entire language.
My apologies, the publisher and lead were British so I presumed the entire thing was English.