Jorah in a Fedora stars his own comments

I know. I’m such a heathen.

No need to get uppity. My definitions are pretty accurate.

Metros and Light rails go underground...

A light rail or a Metro?

But you can’t really call flavor objective when different people like different tastes.

I wouldn’t really consider MUNI a subway system, but fair enough.

It seems like most of us couldn’t either.

-100 points for referring to it as the SF subway system.

He’s pretty insufferable. Maybe he’s only part wine snob. Then again he was very drunk when he admitted it.

All three deserve to be sent to the 9th circle of hell

You’re a disgrace to the good name of crunchy.

Aren’t you just the smartest person in the room.

Haha. See the thing is, I can understand appreciating the finer things in life. But for me most wine tastes the same, I don’t care for your poo poo bouquet of moccasins and potpourri. Just like I don’t care when people make up fruit and chocolate flavors in my whiskey. Whiskey has 4 modes: whiskey, spicy, smokey, and

When I got to the Mike’s Hard Lemonade bit and realised I was only a quarter way through, I decided to go the TL;DR route.

This is the longest “WAHHHHHHHHHH” I’ve ever read.

Hahahaha exactly. Everyone’s like but I was freaked out by the zombie kids too so she must’ve been. Everyone was freaked out by them, but only one didn’t fight them. So fuck that noise.

Aren't we contrary

No it’s not, but it's much more prominent.

They’re also fantastic when planning trips with multiple destinations. 3 weeks, 8 flights, numerous hotels and activities, and everything went off without a hitch. Totally worth it.

When they showed her undead at the end I came to the same conclusion. #barfmeout #whatstheirdamage