Jorah in a Fedora stars his own comments

Lord of the Friendzone is only my subtitle.

That’s Ser Greyscale in a Fedora to you.

Yeah but it was a totally unnecessary scene that fulfills a stupid trope. Why didn’t they have one of the other Elders have a scene like that instead of her?

Thank you! I’ve spent a long time coming up with stupid usernames on the internet. It feels good to have them appreciated.

I was so goddamn disappointed that the badass Wildling chick who was cutting people down suddenly was like: “Oh noes! I can’t kill zombie kids! Whatever would my womb think!?”

And if you know how cars work they don’t just end at the wheel, there’s still the whole front of the car. What if a pedestrian had been crossing while you stopped? You still could’ve hit them. And it’s that kind of thinking that leads people to try to turn while pedestrians are crossing because: “It’s just a

Did you dismiss my reply? Because if so you know I'm only going to bring more and more attention to it.

Yeah exactly. People are digging themselves into trenches and you either have to be completely for or against kids on planes. But complaining about it shouldn't result in people calling you a child hating monster.

You definitely seemed defensive.

Okay I see that people have caused a lot of strife here, but you don’t need to get so defensive towards me. I understand that parents and kids need to fly, and my mom did the same thing with me as the author so I fully endorse it, but that statement is ridiculous. No one is expecting perfect comfort on a plane,

Dude, I’m all for that, but sometimes what shit just does not work. Children screaming can reach a decibel level higher than a goddamn jackhammer. I’m glad that the author has come up with a sane way to combat child irritability on a plane, but when I hear people saying: “just deal with it” it annoys me because it’s

Oh Johnny. Everything I read about you now just makes me so sad.

SPF110 is what I go with.

I am a nice guy. Just look at my fedora.

What language is this? Because it’s not English.

I think we’re all great arthurs.

I honestly clicked to see what the captions would be. Was/was not disappointed.

You know what’s also horseshit?