Still have this game’s CD lol. And the Hellfire one.
:) I remember hours upon hours upon hours of playing it.
Still have this game’s CD lol. And the Hellfire one.
:) I remember hours upon hours upon hours of playing it.
You’re missing the big reason people didn’t buy it.
Personally, I just look at the game itself. If it says Electronic Arts, I tend to move on; no matter the platform. Bunch of bloodsucking tools.
I’m not a streamer - but to be honest, this kind of thing would make me want to stream the matches and discuss out loud the entirety of the plot forwards and backwards, and spoil the hell out of everything. (OBVIOUSLY I would make it apparent what was going to happen beforehand. I’m not a monster.)
Personally, if the person I was hiking with suggested to cross a body of water higher than halfway up my shins in the dark, I’d probably slap them. Unless it’s a life or death situation - I like to err on the side of caution, considering how clumsy I am. The whole situation on this particular death is just fucking…
Anytime someone throws out the word ‘cuck’ seriously, I just tune them out. Same thing with that Snowflake crap - I only know one Snowflake, that’s because that’s what everyone calls him, and have done so for almost 20 years.
I had an argument with my father about the metric system a couple weeks ago. We were putting together a wooden swing set for my daughter, and some of the measurements were in metric.
I’d personally rather they make movies of both of them. And make them completely honest. To hell with this glossing over crap, give us some damn truth.
I don’t think Dwight would go Trump. Dwight would if nothing else not be able to stand that he’s a liar and a coward, I would think. Isn’t one of his family’s rules that you have to be Loyal? Trump knows no loyalty to anything but himself. I think he’d see him as a stain on the office.
I don’t necessarily agree he’d have gone Hillary, but I agree he’d have been No to Trump. I think he’d have rather ruined both their campaigns in spectacular fashion. Or hacked the Election and made Cappy Pres. That’s one guy at least, he knows would do right by folks.
I’m with ya. I, personally, if I lose horribly in a game I will curse, or growl, or summat similar. I tend to move on about two seconds later to greener pastures. It’s a game, there ain’t no sense in ruining the fun.
I’m waiting for a leak saying he did a Remake of Danger Zone, with five remixes. All included on the movie soundtrack, which is all Kenny Loggins songs.
I’d make damn sure they went to someone who would prosecute him.
The wife and I want to see this regardless of the critiques of it, just because we like forming our own opinions. I was personally hoping they had CGI’d their way into better facial expressions in the long run. I’ll reserve my full judgement for my own watch of it, but I has had my hopes dashed a bit now.
I don’t like the casting. But it’s not really a race thing, I just have a different kind of image in my head on the issue - I had the same problem with the casting of Fred and George from Harry Potter at first - they did not fit my mental image, but grew into it.
If I recall correctly, there’s no really secure readout of the information. Not truly secure, anyway - if you spoof it right, it’ll look like he did it. I think some places are working on legislation to force the telecoms to update their servers and software to make spoofing harder, but if history is anything to go by…
You know, I would totally love if a (non-Trump) canidate played this as an intro for a rally.
What’s really stupid is the way people view ‘anti-war’ as ‘anti-troops’ .. In the sense that, because you’re against the war, you don’t think our troops are worth support, and/or are being unpatriotic. In reality, I’m opposed to War overall, but I acknowledge it can be necessary at times. And, I also fully acknowledge…
Mine isn’t too horrible, but it was infuriating at the time.
You’re misjudging something here. You’re implying people are only stupid when visiting other countries - some of them are stupid even where they live, even if they grew up there. EVERYONE nowadays just seems to be a bunch of entitled idiots. (And NO I don’t just mean the younger ones) The older folks are just a…