I’ve unfortunately seen this ad in person repeatedly. The first time I laughed because it was on Cartoon Network and I assumed was some randomness from Adult Swim. Then I googled it after the second time and I got sad.
I’ve unfortunately seen this ad in person repeatedly. The first time I laughed because it was on Cartoon Network and I assumed was some randomness from Adult Swim. Then I googled it after the second time and I got sad.
I believe the Surpreme Court shouldn’t be political. But it is. And always will be.
This is sad. I hate seeing people giving stupid advice such as this - the other one I hate the most about babies is: “You can sleep with your baby next to you in bed no matter how old they are! Your natural instincts won’t let anything happen!” ... Bullshit. I know of at least one person who rolled over in her sleep…
I always throw mine into an otterbox. I’ve literally thrown it on a table from across a room with no issue. Had a friend drop his on a table and shatter it.
I’ll be honest - my wife has to explain to me what the hell capris are at least a dozen times a year. She’ll ask me to grab a pair of her jeans for her and get mad when I get a pair of capris. I keep asking her why women-folk gotta have so many weird things to wear. I’ve campaigned, and failed, to have her call them…
I’d be content with free post game updates. I loathe the seemingly standard paid continuation.
Well. It took a few weeks of it before the behavior changed - he still sees the child psychologist, and he still has issues, but he hasn’t been resorting to violence against himself or anyone else.
Happens all the time, everywhere. I work in a Meat and Seafood department, with (For some reason) an open topped Seafood case like that one. Many, many, many people try to poke the product to show what they want or to ‘test’ it to see if it’s cold enough or slimy or whatever. I actually asked a guy if he would be okay…
I’m fairly confident he would if he thought he was going to get a ton of good press out of it. Of course, he’d probably take a dozen showers(Or get hosed off with McDonald’s secret sauce?) afterward, but I think he’d go.
I have to routinely run up and run a register at my job. It’s not common and in 8 years I’ve only had two instances of it - but for example, once, I had a steak ring up as weighing 300 pounds. The tag on the steak had the correct weight, but there was some kind of disconnect with the barcode. We also, for awhile, had…
I once saw my cousin climb the side of a church and walk along a wall 20 feet off the ground. Hey, he did it, that must mean it’s okay, right? I mean, he could have fallen and broken his skull open on concrete, but if other people are doing it, it’s gotta be okay.
I have a child and we’ve discussed this issue and have no plans whatsoever to spank at all(This also means I’m going to have to have a pointed conversation with my father about it(And the racist comments), but that’s besides the point) But sometimes there isn’t an option - and I don’t basis this on my own opinion but…
I still frequently play Starcraft and Brood War and cheat in Single Player. It’s usually just me messing around - for example, I use the Staying Alive cheat on the New Gettysburg mission so it won’t end when the Zerg burst out of their base, and I’ll set up random defenses to combat them. Like one time I remember I…
I think I’d love to be able to conduct one of these interviews. I’d ask a whole bunch of normal questions then open up with something like: “Does he make you watch when he gets it on with Ivanka, or do you just pretend you don’t know anything?” Just to see the reaction.
The reasoning is the same as the folks saying we’ve never been to space, the earth is flat, and other similar idiocies.
She may not really care what we think. I imagine it’s the Cheeto-in-office who has the only opinion she wants to influence.
She’d have to find the old lady’s head before she could apologize to it. Since, you know. Super-strong.
It’s not just low and nasty. It has to insult his manliness or someway pertain to him not being a genius.
I hate to break it to you - while a lot of people may be happy with no origin, there are plenty of folks who want one on EVERYONE. Anytime a new Marvel or DC movie comes out I get completely bombarded on who everyone is and the minute details of how they got their powers, etc.
Teaching a child to do that does make the guy criminal scum. Stealing is stealing, no matter what idiotic beliefs you may hold.