
It's actually a much simpler issue than all of that.

The thing is that when it comes down to it the Chinese have stumbled across a tried and true fact of sales:

Completely ignoring the point about actual comparison of detail in the cutout, you made a comment earlier about how the distortion was limited to the area of the cutout...

The best part of beer tasting?

Dude, can't you tell that's just flat coke. The guy has obviously been ill for a while and has neither gotten new coke nor washed his other glasses.

-grins- I couldn't resist when reading that. Just...what...the...folkdo?

"pretentious folkdo they do its do" What the folkdo happened they happened its happened?

Nah, slight fallacy in your logic there.

I reject your freefall. I shall barrel-roll instead.

I would personally like to take a moment and step away from the normal comments to say congratulations Samsung...that has got to be one of the more subtle ways of flipping the bird at Apple's legal team.

Fair point about them being customers...but perhaps you've been oblivious to the sheer volume of lawsuits Apple has been bringing against Samsung products in an attempt to prevent them from coming to market?

Fair point. I guess I would also need to make an additional point relative to the activity.

I have to agree with you there. I love the additional buttons on this new one...it was the one thing I would have said the 7 or the 9 were lacking.

There's a pretty simple explanation. We naturally focus on words more than sounds. I don't know why, but it's simply the case.

I own both the R.A.T. 7 and the R.A.T. 9 mice and I have to say, they look freaky as hell but I've never used a mouse that is more comfortable post-adjustment. Plust the on-the-fly commands are pretty sweet too.

Hate to say it, but in amongst the rage-facing he did have a point.

Dynastius, while I agree with you on most of your points about how much we use our phones already, I can't disagree more with your claim that phones already are our assistants.

True enough, but you cannot deny that this over-hyped view of the Mac is at least a little stupid.

Yeah, sorry but I agree with OrnateFreak.