Lord Loxley

History Nerdism Contribution: In my opinion the history of the Targaryen's in Westros is the history of Norman England (sort of, GRRM isn't that easily pigeon holed - pigeon pied, now that's a different matter). And so by extension the Dance of the Dragons relates to an era know as 'The Anarchy'. Worth looking up if

Yep, blink and you miss it, but I suspect Bronn will be clutching his arm next time we see him.

Bronn got cut on the arm by a sand snake - I fear he might be a gonna too Dornish poison.

So - W an up-side-down M for Morgan?

No, not another white male on late night tv, he already was, he's just moving networks. Gain in white males on late night TV - minus 1 (one less letterman, same number of colberts).

NBCs inability to build better ratings with new shows has one giant silver lining - MORE COMMUNITY!

For me this is the best Star Trek episode ever… however I realise it is like Marmite as some people feel it is the antithesis of everything GR wanted.

Careful, Colbert is high priest of the Valar when it comes to Tolkien knowledge!

Great list of Exploration Episodes.