
Step 1: Throw your Windows 10 computer out an actual window. Bonus Tip: the higher the window, the faster your Windows 10 computer will run.

But will it fix poor Tommy’s chin?

The sun dinosaurs would go extinct.

Hey, thanks for finding my golden fleece! This epic journey is finally over.

Or a gold worker was stealing the shavings and forgot where he buried them...

Ancient disco wig?

I saw this movie. Kirk dies at the end and Picard’s Enterprise crash lands on some planet.

I take it you’re not in the US. VPN or download. It’s not stealing if you can’t buy it.

Lol what? VLC is the only player you will ever need and is completely free

Um VLC is very feature rich and completely free. It was already way better than the built in version

oh now that's FUNNY!

Clearly they were attacked by The Giant Claw, a huge bird made of antimatter. This 1957 sci fi turkey was intended as a serious thriller with Ray Harryhausen sfx, but the producer ran out of money and farmed it out to a chop shop Mexico; the result was the rubber chicken. The movie’s stars, who hadn’t seen a finished

This is like the Incredible Hulk’s origin story. Has anybody tried pissing this guy off yet?

Wow, how dare people want to play a game on a platform they already own. I don't know about most people, but I'm not going to go out and buy a console I can't afford just to play a single game. I guess the publishers just won't get my money, ever, if it does not get released on PC. Their loss, not mine.

I flagged it under "First World Problems"