
Thanks for the clarification. I must have gotten some wires crossed somewhere along the line. I just sort of assumed that the quasi-spiritual stuff and general vagueness were somehow his fault, given his writing history.

Point. Touche, good fellow.

Not sure. I thought I read it somewhere, but perhaps I was mistaken.

Didn't we determine that basically all of Prometheus' problems stem from Lindelof's rewrites? Why is he allowed to touch every script in Hollywood?

That's strikingly effective for a 14-panel comic...

On the topic, I read Connie Willis' PASSAGE a couple of years ago. If you haven't read it, I recommend checking it out. It's a really fascinating and haunting book.

I wish there were more great teachers like you. I'm certain that those fun and interesting things keep your students far more engaged.

Yeah, I'm American, and frankly I was disgusted all throughout school that the only history we ever got was the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, over and over again in repeating years, with slightly more detail each time. (The one year that was good was when my 7th/8th grade history teacher happened to get a Civil

How come they never teach stuff like this in school? History is way more interesting when you hear about the stuff that happened on the ground, instead of "There was a war. People fought. People died. We won. USA. USA."

I'm actually pretty impressed by this. I laughed aloud a couple of times during the trailer, and somehow I don't feel like this is one of those where all the best jokes have already been told.

Right. Good call. Some sort of murderous mushroom masher, aerosolized for convenience.

Interesting thought. So, if the cause is fungal, would that mean that liberal application of Agent Orange (or some other herbicide?) would be as - or more - effective than ye olde gunshot wound to the head? Could we biological-warfare-bomb the zombie population into ex-mushrooms?

Ah, that makes sense. I've seen Starship Troopers all of once, and that was about the time it came out. I didn't even remember that NPH was in that movie.

No, but it's definitely Neil Patrick Harris. =)

Now that I have your attention...

Be careful with that. It doesn't always work out the way you'd hoped.

Oddly, I found the one where Garfield wakes up to find out his life never existed, and basically enforces a psychotic break on his own mind in order to continue living out his fantasy life far more disturbing than Primal Self. The second one above still gives me chills.

Not only that, but the witch screams things like "I couldn't BE in more pain!" and they treat it totally nonchalantly —

Thank you for articulating these concepts so clearly, Charlie Jane. As I read over it, it occurred to me that this is something I automatically try to do in my own writing, but I'm not sure I could have explained the process half as eloquently as you did.

Is it bad that I know the words to the only verse we hear of that song?