
Here in the northeast, we had 6" of snow on the ground on Halloween. The air temperature has been fluctuating between icy cold (20s) and unseasonably warm (50s-60s) ever since. Last week, I got 3" of wet snow. Almost exactly 3 miles south of me, there was no snow, only rain.

Behold! The ULTIMATE pog!

I agree. There are other ways to make that work. My concern is that it doesn't appear that the artists have made an attempt at doing so, but instead have followed the Frazetta school of 'ah, just stick those extra arms anywhere' design.

Oh, I remember the joystick port. Wing Commander hit in 1990. I was 5. We never had a Nintendo, but my dad loved PC gaming (cut my teeth on Nethack's predecessor before I could read, playing while dad read the screen to me).

So how does that thing move its lower arms? Judging by this picture, they just seem to be randomly attached to the torso. Does it have muscles that move them? Note how it has big, powerful shoulders to move its upper arms, but the lower arms appear to be just dangling from its sides.

I always wondered about that. Thanks - that actually makes a lot of sense.

If it's brown, drink it down! If it's black, send it back.

I may have hypothetically had the same problem, maybe. I might have turned off the dynamic shadows and POOF! everything probably would have been fine, and the graphics were most likely none the worse for wear.

Do you feel the same about Sarah Kerrigan? Since they're, y'know, pretty much the same character and all.

Zelda Fitzgerald? That sounds like a pseu-diddly-eudonym!

"Personal sacrifices for the common good" are for the poor. If you say otherwise, you're "demonizing" your betters, and you're a lazy, no good, class warfare-inciting welfare queen.

What if I would prefer instead that the lines between literary fiction and science fiction be *sharpened*? Like, "unsharp mask" sharpened. Really make those lines clear and ugly so that no one accidentally crosses them.

Ah, so many of my old childhood favorites. =)

Wow, that was really cool. Thanks!

I haven't seen the Ultramarines film - been meaning to, but haven't gotten around to it. So, it wasn't awful after all? That's good to hear.

Games Workshop would never allow it. Honestly, I'm even surprised by what licensing they've done over the past few years. They are a company basically made of tight-fisted control freaks.

Isn't #2 basically the same plot as 'The Corpse Bride'? Has someone actually seen it that can comment?

I was going to guess stop-motion, myself...

Apophis, eh? He's always bad news. Better call MacGyver!

Good question. I thought they'd all been smashed and/or shot into the sun during the Great Furby Purge of 2001.