
I'm pretty sure you just described a modern version of Beakman's World: [en.wikipedia.org]

Wow... his work is really impressive. Like, groin-grabbingly impressive. Artists with vision like that are incredibly rare.

Yeah, I was talking about the mother, who was pretty clearly eaten and still became a zombie. Her death scene was more graphic (broad daylight) than Otis's and she was still "alive" enough to become bicycle girl, so...

The webisodes seem to indicate that even someone who's devoured can become a zombie. Check them out if you haven't seen them. It's short, the writing & acting were a bit stilted, but still entertaining.

This is clearly the 'alternate universe' of the original story - the (COMIC SPOILERS!!!) "What if Shane didn't die like he was supposed to?" one. That seems to be our jumping off point for the major plot split, despite the minor differences beforehand.

I dunno, they look more like Ringwraiths to me.

Wow. That is intensely cool, and is really mind-boggling in its implications. A random composite of iron and potassium traps argon by its nature, which we can then use to do a kind of 'carbon-dating' (obviously not carbon, but roughly a similar idea) on the vanished seas of another world?

Apparently Mozilla is on board with the whole New World Order thing...

+1 LOL

Laziness. It's sad, isn't it? All it would take is one proofread and 99% of these would be fixed, and yet...

RE: editing - I read a set of trade-published eBooks which appeared to simply be an unrevised OCR scan of the original text. The writing was the same as the print edition, but word confusions were pervasive, most of them ones likely to be in the 20% error margin of an OCR scan. Was this your experience, or was it

I too cannot live without bibliohol. =)

Can't be. There's a Thor 2 coming and Hiddleston's already confirmed. =)

I'm sorry, all I heard was some sort of incomprehensible 'meep' noise at about a million miles per hour. :)

...I think I just successfully trolled you. XD Sweet!

I prefer diamondilium, myself.

Yes please. Make this happen immediately.

Yeah, I was sort of glad I didn't read that one until I was 14... of course, it was nightmare fuel even then, but the rational brain could tone it down a little.

I got a good chuckle out of 'Don't Wake Daddy'. Pure awesome.

Sure, you don't? ;)