Same here. But then, I have a thing for the Appalachian and Nordic features & body types, which seems to be somewhat uncommon in America, so...
Same here. But then, I have a thing for the Appalachian and Nordic features & body types, which seems to be somewhat uncommon in America, so...
They must use OVS in Rand McNally... since, you know, they wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people. It's clearly just a word-order confusion.
Wow... this might be the first superhero movie that lures me to the theater since I paid to see the travesty that was Spider-Man 3.
Of course you would say have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter!
I dunno, I can't stand any of them. They all have various disgusting aftertastes. I can even tell when a product I've liked for a long time suddenly starts adding sucralose... it changes from delicious to disgusting, and I no longer buy it.
This line of 'reasoning' has been used for centuries, in fact. It seems to be a particular favorite of theist 'philosophers' who construct "arguments" to "prove" something they already assume to be true. See St. Thomas Aquinas as a good example.
Thanks for the reasoned response. While I sort of knew this, it's kind of boggling to me that the interconnected dealings of ~12 lbs of mostly water could actually be more complex than a fairly large chunk of the entire universe.
Not half bad. There were some pretty obvious plot holes, but for low-budget web short-films they did communicate the urgency and hopelessness of the zombie thing.
Can somebody explain something to me? How is it that we can simulate the development of a piece of the universe 1 billion light years ON A SIDE (as pointed out in the comments below, that about 10^27 cubic light years) and yet an effective simulation of a brain more complex than a rat eludes us?
Next step: implant suit subdermally and use for attachments to giant powered armor?
I've been looking forward to this book for a long, long time. Thanks for the review, Annalee - you've clinched another sale from this reader!
The worst part? The 'Wing Commander' movie creative team was exactly the same as the video game creative team. I will never understand why Chris Roberts did that to his own creation. Never.
Why their eyes has no whites? O.O
I also really enjoyed Passage. In fact, I came here to mention it, so I'm glad you did. Honestly, I felt like this exploration of the topic presented a compelling theory as to the roots of the near-death experience, even if the science itself was fictional.
Have you ever read 'Passage' by Connie Willis? If not, you'll probably enjoy it.
Uh... you do know that Star Wars was just a mashup of Flash Gordon and a few samurai films with a bit of Zen thrown in, right?
I started to write a response, then re-read yours and realized that I was basically just completely agreeing with you in different words. Good show, carry on then, thumbs up, etc etc.
I tried the broccoli again...
It even tries to warn you itself, with its terrible taste.
That scene in T:SCC with the Johnny Cash song was freakin' amazing direction and filmography. I wish I could have voted for that one twice, because it was perfect.