
I would love to see a candidate run from the "Standing In The Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party". He (or she) would probably get my vote. At least it would be a tacit admission that they're all clowns and the whole thing is a circus.

Well, cats would definitely be cuter, but I figured rats since they're quite ubiquitous in the lab setting, and also you'd probably have the whole Internet crying out in horror at the thought of wiring up a bunch of kittehs for teh Science! ;)

I'd be interested to know if it's sort of a "species-based non-recognizance". Basically, I'd want to wire up a bunch of rats and see how they respond to pictures of other animals, including humans. I'd be quite curious to see if they had a similar neuron non-response to other rats.

You're correct - he's not a *great* actor in any sense of the word "great". He's a blockbuster star because he's pretty, and I'm assuming because he had a great manager way back in the day. However, I don't find a film with Tom Cruise in it unwatchable - like so many seem to - just because he's Tom Cruise. There's no

Hey, I genuinely liked Minority Report, and it was not "despite" Tom Cruise. I would be fine with him starring in a film, as long as we're getting more sci-fi on film! Come on people... work with me here! He's crazy, but he's not THAT bad of an actor.

Wow, these are great! I only recognize one as a definite character - #4 in the list above is clearly Kitiara from DragonLance... are the others representative of fictional characters, or just totally awesome artwork? :D

IMHO, it is not comparable in amazingness with the Felix Castor novels. It took probably 2 or 3 chapters for me to get into Sandman Slim, and overall it was good, but not amazing. I haven't read the second one yet.

Hey, you know, that worked on me too! I was 5 when my uncle gave me my first puff... and it was also my last. Go figure... I wonder if that would work more often.

A big second for Dan Abnett's work. Eisenhorn and Ravenor are both pretty sticky, as well.

Definitely agreed. Between that and the comment made by Silellak below, I actually think this sounds pretty cool. Hopefully it's done well!

That actually makes it sound significantly more interesting, since there's an actual mystery to be solved even after they're pointed in the right direction.

So... 'Person of Interest' is basically Minority Report with magic software instead of tub-dwelling psychics? Hunh. I'm not sure whether this has the potential to be interesting or not. I'll probably check out the pilot.

I was very much a latecomer to B5, due to events far, far out of my control. I actually only watched it straight through with my wife in the last year or two... I don't remember exactly when, but it was recent. I entirely missed its original run and skirted around it for a long time due to the widespread rumors of how

I think the idea is that first they're very hot, and then they're very cool, and in the process you get steel... or something like that. XD

Well, hey, playing WoW is basically the same as running in that little wheel anyway, amirite?

Aww... hugs all around! XD

I saw him less amoral and more willing to cut through the BS that everyone constantly threw at him. Conan got things done, whether that was via cunning or hacking stuff to pieces; and he did both in equal measure, I agree.

Hah. Yes, I got a little out of hand. My apologies.

"Should Conan be a little nice to the ladies? No, he is misogynistic. Maybe he shouldn't spit and burp when he eats? No. You have to remind them we're not making Prince Charming, but Conan the Barbarian."

Robots are awesome. Semi-autonomous robots are even better. I'd love to learn some more about how much programming they require in advance, in order to accomplish a given task... the link to their site doesn't go in to a lot of detail.