
First, I recommend you check out Rahdo Runs Through. He and his wife Jen are usually the players he has while testing games, so even non-2 player games he reviews he tends to point to two player rules mods on BGG, and he’ll often outline whether or not it works well.

Second, have you tried searching your local area for

Wait, the Mellow is actually shipping? so many delays I lost track. excellent, I’ve been meaning to see if it’s actually worth the additional cost.

Wait, the Mellow is actually shipping? so many delays I lost track. excellent, I’ve been meaning to see if it’s

Ah, the trick with the three I listed is, if you know what all of them are, and where they are, a little quick mental math will tell you if you are north, south, or west of them, and about the distance. so you can figure out approximately where you are even if you recognize nothing around you. What you suggest is

1.) Boston is a walking city, you will have a better time walking than taking transit, and a better time doing ANYTHING than driving. There is almost no parking, traffic is intensely frustrating (actually moves better than many cities, contrary to popular belief, but FEELS so much worse for some reason)
2.) Don’t be

I’m voting again for the first time in a while because Meatballs damnit!

There’s so much that can be done with meatballs, and having the perfect meatballs to toss on top of my pizzas with some smoked cheese (gouda or mozz are both good options) and a little diced pepperoni? TO DIE FOR.

Seriously, Meatballs is something

interestingly I feel what you probably intended as a casual comment is actually a somewhat indepth conversation.

I’ll, try to be brief but there’s a lot to say.
1.) you get what you pay for. There is a lot of free porn out there, in my experience about 5-10% is any good. That’s AFTER I’ve filtered for my particular

Proper use:
finish shower,

So how do I deal with the ever annoying “passwords may not be longer than 12 characters” nonsense? I used to enjoy having lastpass generate 50 character passwords, but just got fed up at the number of places that have a fairly low character limit on passwords. How do we make THAT side more secure?

This is a good technique. I think it’s a little bound by tradition, but it is a number of good points, assuming you are doing crazy things like putting lettuce on a burger.

That said, I felt I should explain why I like putting cheese on my burgers on the griddle. I get a very even melt, so the problems you raise don’t

hypodermic needles.

I do not have an hour to give to listening to this, but is the heavily implied “if you are a psychopath you are evil” throughout the article a part of this piece, or are they a little more... reasonable about it?

Psychopathy is defined by a number of symptoms (as all psychological diagnoses are), with the critical one

Thanks. I really appreciate an article out there that can say “eh, might not be gluten, but why are you so eager to be a dick to someone?” I’ve been annoyed with how eager people are to shit on people that don’t eat gluten, it’s nice to see something so well thought out about it.

Unfortunately, ever since Audible stopped letting me buy audio books for friends I have no use for it. I like audio books, but 9 out of 10 that I buy are for friends...

Unfortunately, ever since Audible stopped letting me buy audio books for friends I have no use for it. I like audio

Weird question hopefully someone can answer.

I get the clipping, and even some of the clever micrograv transitions.

Interesting. I don’t generally feel comfortable playing with someone without a safeword. All my subs have safe words with me, and even if they didn’t red and yellow are always available. There are certain flaws with “no” and “stop” as in role play they can be very handy for the mood, without the intent to actually

I’m... I think I missed the issue you have with the article. Did they edit it in some way?

please stop.

Those wire dry cleaner hangers.

I know I know, it’s madness.
But I’ve used felted hangers, wooden hangers, plastic hangers, hangers with clips, loops, clamping hangers, all different kinds.

Those wire dry cleaner hangers.

I know I know, it’s madness.
But I’ve used felted hangers, wooden hangers, plastic

I think there are three things that would have been great in sex ed.
1.) The kinda problems that can come up during sex. I’m not talking STIs or pregnancy or any of the after stuff. I mean like ED, Vaginismus, the effects of stress on sex drive, when partners have mismatched libidos, etc. There’s a lot of things

  • What meal do you make for yourself when everything is going wrong and you need some edible comfort?