
it’s option+command+I on mac, not option+shift+I. Took me for freakin’ ever to figure this out, thought I’d help.

if it helps, I bought a copy of breath of the wild while the amazon prime pre-order discount was still in place. I’m still trying to get my hands on a switch. :P

Right, I think what Music is trying to point out though is that people are already painfully undereducated about how STDs work, and this is a badly misleading statement. HPV and HSV would both be transmittable, and they are both fantastically common. I understand that they are not as serious as chlamydia or HIV but

*raises hand* yep, I consider myself lucky that I only inherited the sleep onset insomnia. but even with that, the “try to sleep for 15 minutes then do something else” technique I always get from CBT people would result in me being up until 6 before I was exhausted enough for it to work. usually takes me 1-2 hours

so first, good on you for pointing to KAP.

Cheese dip! It’s the perfect kind of thing for sous vide. It can be done in mason jars, so you could do a lot of variety, or even set up the in a number of jars, have some immediately, then put some in the fridge for later. Then take one jar to work, leave a couple at home, give a couple to guests to take home, etc.

... this flowchart is just “Can you buy it with cash or debit”

I’m not saying that asking yourself these questions isn’t helpful, but a flowchart is possibly the WORST format for this. It isn’t even a flow chart, it’s just 1 freakin’ decision point.

Hell, why not just show it as a linear regression?

ACH! I’ll need to make sure to pick out a good scotch for that evening. If I could vote for this more I would.

There’s not really more or less permanence to what I’m doing than what anyone is doing. I have the ability to leave whenever, but it’s only the ability to leave whenever without the consequence of broken contract. I’m just as committed to the relationships I do have, whether they be with an SO, a landlord, or

Huh... I wonder what studies they did to come to this. Did they include polyamorous couples?

I’m Poly, I’m on a month to month lease, actually most of the contracts in my life could be torn up on a moments notice because they are all renewed on such short cycles now. Yet I consistently have longer relationships

I disagree. Don’t get me wrong, if you are bad at gift giving, or wait for the last minute, or just don’t have the energy to put in, go ahead, ask people what they want, it’s way better than getting poor gifts. But I MUCH prefer normal thought out, careful statement of who you are and who a person is. There’s SO

for the same price no less.

RE: the BLUF thing, I started using TL;DR in work emails on a project that ended up having to have a lot of details in the email and the higher level execs started going “what’s that? can we do that on all the emails?”


I think it’s time to do the thanksgiving sides. The hardest part there is likely to be how to finish them. But it would be great to see if you can get them to cook in the same bath!

Counterpoint: I have a small apartment, I HAVE to minimize mess as I cook or I don’t have ROOM to cook.

Counterpoint: I cook... about 99.8% of the time. I’m also the person that works. While I _LIKE_ cooking, I generally don’t have the energy to do dishes on top of this. When I’m on my own, I tend to end up with 2-3

Yeah. I do most of the time. Sorry. Explaining how I speak is generally tricky.

I think you are probably right on the first point and... not on the second. I was using tragic as hyperbole. Though I’m sure it’s possible to find “unfortunate” used as a definition or at least synonym for the word, my use of it was merely meant to imply that I feel it is unfortunate to a greater degree than one

oh preach it. I recently went from a 35k salary to a 70k salary. Night and DAY. My depression had been deepening as I struggled to find help on finances, psychologists I could afford, taking care of the people in my life, eating better, and juggling my debt. Now I’m paying down the debt instead of slowly sliding