
Getting away from this kind of thing is actually the reason I tend to play games with more severe consequences for dying. It's the reason I backed Takedown (and voted on the forums for death deleting your save). Particularly when it comes to shooters.

*nods* a fair point certainly. Especially in the apple age, things should be intuitive enough you don't need a manual. But some games, that learning-curve-like-a-brick-wall is a feature, and getting over it has all the rewards that come with challenge.

I... don't quite understand why that opinion would make you a fanboy, I think it's reasonable. Course, back in college I watched people do similarly insane things with a 360 controller in the myriad halo games. Luckily I've never really been hardcore in the competitive sense (in the collecting and love of obscure

I'm glad graphics have improved. But it says a lot about where I think priorities should be for games that even in the face of the worst settings I still wanted to go back and play a lot of these games for the content and mechanics (especially AC, M&B, HL, and Fallout: NV).

huh, didn't know they were PnP... Though in retrospect that seems moronic of me...

So you are arguing for the Console side. Why?

Interesting! I'll look into that. Thanks for the tip!

Really? Interesting. Maybe next time I see it on sale I'll pick it up. it had definitely struck me as a console control styled game.

Excellent, that is how I was leaning anyway. Hopefully the melee moments will carry well.

Question that I REALLY don't want to see turn into a console war (please, really).

So as a general rule I never start a computer in a public place (library) or at work without headphones plugged in the jack.

See, THIS is exactly the reason I love lifehacker. Much as the appalled cat photo elsewhere in the comments illustrated, the very headline of this article (with your name attached) felt almost like a betrayal. BUT IT WASN'T! It was well reasoned, well thought out, and left room for people to have different tastes

I can't speak for the future, but at the time of this posting I agree with every comment here. Seems easier than saying "I agree" to all of them one at a time.

I'm going to argue that: When Workout Equipment is Also Living Room Furniture, It’s Harder to Avoid sitting around checking facebook/twitter/gawker/netflix/hulu/the freezer for ice cream.

Since I didn't see anyone else mention it, I gotta say, I'd like to see a combination of a nice, portable controller that will hold your phone (or not, as preference, maybe you want to output your phone to your TV), and OnLive (which I already have on my android). That model would have me much more interested in

While I agree that it makes sense for kickstarter not to advertise these things, what I find interesting about the article is the use of the robots tag. That seems a bit much to me, if only because sometimes I want to see what unfunded projects have in common.

I actually felt that this article was way less biased and hateful than the other giz articles on kickstarter lately. Honestly, it felt like they were just looking at a design feature. I don't think Kickstarter made the wrong choice by doing this, though I will say, I rather wish their discover page was limited to


I really hope that that wouldn't be so ambiguous that kickstarter would miss it in the approval stage...

I kinda agree. I know a lot of people that would react to this by being even more over the top. I wonder what percentage of the time this would make things worse rather than better (I'm guessing... 65%)