
Honestly, I think the problem is the kickstarter exploded this year. To my knowledge, they originally reviewed ideas to make sure they were... appropriate. They likely didn't think this idea was more than a parody of a topic that is commonly mocked all over the internet (tentacle porn, really, it is). however, the

I feel like the "mature" we are talking about in this discussion has little to do with sex and violence. Rather it has to do with choice, consequence, and oddly, slow pace/mundanity.

It's adorable, not terrifying. Locks are like any other puzzle. Masterlock padlocks aren't that hard to pick usually (I'm not an expert, so I can't identify the particular model off the top of my head). I'd guess it's probably a straightforward lock without security pins and probably 4 columns. Give a kid the

*nods* I agree with your statements. The stories I've heard through the internet, or friends of friends and beyond are always good. But the only people I've personally known that have used IUD's have, eventually had REALLY bad things happen. I'm not trying to be sensationalist, I fully understand that according to

I'm so leery of IUDs. Every friend I've had that's gotten on has had it end in, at best, bloody and painful complications.

spot on!

A bit more vehement than I usually like, but I agree. It's a prototype and it will have flaws. It needs to be made to see if it has potential. If history has anything to say, it will be made, fail miserably, be attempted by a different cultural group, meet with some success, be attempted by a third cultural group,

I agree, in fact, they should all wear long sleeve green turtlenecks. It would make the weather more interesting, and let you see a heck of a lot more of the map.

I agree fully. I'm a huge google fan, but... well this is not just dumb it roughly goes against everything I LIKE about google. Shame...

Am I really the only one who saw this and thought "I DO happen to have all those things lying around"?

I have so far refused to attach my work E-mail to my smartphone. As is I have trouble with it being as connected to the world as it is. I debate turning off notifications because I worry if I don't have notifications on I will check it even more regularly. A good measure for me of how good a job I'm doing is how

Gonna make a note here as well, Zombies, Run! is not out on android yet. The app "Zombie, Run!" on Google Play is not the same thing (though it might be good as well).

I have a Shun 7" santoku. I really like it, that said, I think if you were going to pick a set of knives for everything, a paring knife and a chefs knife have more versatility in my mind. Even beyond eastern versus western cutting styles. so I completely understand your preference.


Are you sure that's actually the game in question? The listing I found on android wasn't the same game, and the site itself still says "coming to android this spring!"

First, she didn't get kicked out, she was just asked to change, twice.

problem is, it makes it harder for families to plan how to stay together on the plane. Sure they could hope someone would switch so they could sit next to their kid, or partner, but people aren't always that nice. It's not really about what works out best for me, it's about being polite and courteous. I'm not

Man, when I was a kid takin' the T for the first time my father taught me you never split seats.

Honestly, anything over 1,000,000 scoville will clear me out for 12-24 hours. Course the 30 minutes or so when my nasal cavity tries to expel everything and the kitchen sink immediately after eating may be a con.