Query, My knowledge of EM isn't great, would it be possible to overcome this with a signal boost and a directional antenna? IE boost the signal from the phone, aim a Pringles can antenna at the nearest tower?
Query, My knowledge of EM isn't great, would it be possible to overcome this with a signal boost and a directional antenna? IE boost the signal from the phone, aim a Pringles can antenna at the nearest tower?
I agree. Reminded me of when police prevent cameras or reports from covering events. In turn, it makes me wonder how hard it would be to modify a jammer to block police radio frequencies...
Totally agree with Britt_Pollack. Honestly, (and I still read Giz, and enjoy it, so please don't take this as Giz hate) of late I think it's weirdly being reinforced how much classier LH is. I don't mean this as an insult to Giz, but Giz is much more often filled with ... course, heavily opinionated, vehement…
You bet. In addition, between choosing my backing level and returning to the project page after amazon it went from 30000 to 45000.... Soooo I'm guessing this will be fairly popular.
Heh, General rule of Shadowrun Campaign. Cut out Magic, Cut out Astral, Cut out spirits, Cut out Matrix, Cut out Rigging. Play.
Completely agree. I also find that with a little set up you can train yourself to A.) go out pretty quick and B.) only stay down for about 15. I haven't mastered that second part, still better with a timer or checking a clock, but I definitely find it easier to get to sleep or half-sleep now than when I started,…
Can I cash in that prize for food to be sent to Ms. Upton? Hunting lobsters with your bare hands for subsistence, seems a tragic way to live.
NO! I didn't and it's one of my biggest regrets. That was an awesome project.
Given the things said in this article they don't trust their own judgement, which, honestly, is a pretty big thing to admit, and I'm kinda proud of them for that.
First, lockpicks are a kinda weirdly grey area legally, depending on intent, location, licensing, etc. I really recommend doing your research first, which will be made easier by the fact that most of the picking community is pretty welcoming and helpful. Schuyler Towne of Open Locksport is a great resource and has…
Maybe I've been watching too much MI5 (aka "spooks"), maybe I'm just paranoid, but this immediately struck me as an article for subtly encouraging public opinion to be more anti-piracy than it currently is. Now, I know Piracy isn't a black and white issue, and I'm not saying piracy is good, but regardless of how the…
I actually think a reasonable way to go about it is to get a good tablet and a dumbphone as a pair. If the tablet you want doesn't have mobile pick up a hotspot, you can use it with your laptop too in a pinch if you need to. The tablet has an entirely different usage profile, and the larger bulk and greater social…
I really like QR codes as a concept, and honestly, I feel like they aren't really used creatively enough. The most widespread use I see is on ads, and they let you... open the ad on your phone... Sure this adds video and sound, but why would I care? The pertinent information should already be in the ad.
Ugh, I completely agree. I really wish the T had more service, though sometimes between central and harvard I weirdly get just enough signal for my phone to update a few things (chat, texts, etc.) but not enough to do anything with them (like reply).
I would really like to know where chicken falls on this chart.
1:35 reminds me of black friday videos.
Maybe I'm weird, but to me exercising is most likely to get me to return if I am pushing myself past comfortable. The most motivated I am to exercise is when I want to see how immobile I can make myself the next day.
So this is like if Mercedes Lackey wrote harry potter?
I'm happy to see this kind of thing happening. I agree it is certainly easier to back a project when a known dev is heading it. That said, there are still success stories out there. And really, if you aren't aiming for a million dollar game you'd be surprised what you can do through kickstarter or even the…
I'm biased, I'm definitely on the ME side. That said, I actually really like the halo story, I just wish the whole experience didn't feel so caught up in the FPS scene (least to me). ME I feel like is more involved with the RPG side of things. In fact I was disappointed with a lot of the decisions to move towards a…