
Two things.

can we start a pool on how long it will take for someone to transpose the r and the e in the logo?

The long version is what ended up working for me. Having that "back button" step to bring you to the install page was key. Only tried it with one app, and we can all probably guess which App Verizon blocks that I really wanted.

I really, really hope people listen to what you have to say.

I also tend to start a game on the default difficulty. Occasionally, if forewarned, or if I suspect that the game will be too easy, I'll bump it up one notch before playing.

I can't really get behind the "fight fire with fire" argument. If everyone in the US put $20 toward lobbying against SOPA, Rupert Murdoch ALONE could still counterbalance that. The people that pump money into politics are the people with that money to spare. The internet really is about letting the people speak, I

I'm actually fine with your actions, I think the idea of a protest like this is you join voluntarily, and it's clear you guys feel you best serve the cause from the outside, that's fine.

I agree with you. Importance rather than preference makes voting interesting.

The problem is it is literally his JOB to NOT be a monster to customers. I mean, if he'd been a random design engineer, sure, you make sure he doesn't get into the customer email chain again, but the career consequences this man will suffer are directly related to how much a FAILING this was at his job. I am having

anyone else catch the cameo at 1:50 or so in the first trailer?

This is both infuriating and disheartening! I've loved that the humble bundle includes steam codes. in fact that tends to be why I buy it, as all my gaming is basically done through steam. I make it a rule to never pay anything less than the average payments across all OSes (I use all three), and even then I add

From just about everything I've read or tried, everyman or uberman are ... poor long term solutions. If you are running from an enemy bent on your utter destruction, sure, give it a shot, desperate times. But if you just want more time to use staring at facebook, probably not the best idea.

Skip 4th ed. Give Pathfinder a shot (or if he dislikes the Giant in the industry but still enjoys AAA mainstream titles, Gurps, Shadowrun, or L5R. If he's an indie kid, try fiasco, Apocalypse world, Shock: Human Contact, or any of the rapidly growing collection of fairly excellent indie games out there. If he

I'm disappointed with both the inclusion of bloatware and the lack of google wallet. I solely blame Verizon for this, and am disappointed by their choice.

Since it will make an appearance eventually XKCD: [www.xkcd.com]

This is actually so common a mistake I fear it may have become accepted parlance.

Yeah, I was going to mention, I have ... 300 games on steam? and... less than 10 console games between the PS3 and Wii (well, less than 20 if you count games downloaded directly to said consoles through their respective stores). And honestly, with the sales on steam, and things like the humble indie bundle, I

I'd like to cite ALL the AIs in Deus Ex (the original, circa 2000). Daedalus, Icarus, and Helios are all male voices (being... not really evil, evil, and Beyond Good and Evil respectively). Also, the T announcements in Boston are done in a male voice. In fact even most of the random announcements are male

First, I know hating on lawyers is the general opinion (hell, most of the lawyers I know do it to), but Really? This is literally what they are paid to do, it's not like the legal department is full of trolls and witches just waiting for some innocent Hansel and Gretel characters to wander too close to a trademark.