lord gloom

from what i understand that was debunked because cell tower data does not reliably demonstrate the location of the phone (i.e it could be a large area around that tower, or it could be sent to that tower because other towers were overloaded, etc.) and also because Jay had Adnan's phone half the time.


by the same tack, if wizards are human enough to eat, poop and reproduce, some wizards are gay. we just never saw any of them having sex or using the bathroom.

i'm male and i'm not from a culture that uses bidets, so i can't picture myself ever using one.

once a day is okay.

i live in Hong Kong and most local Chinese people tend to shower every day, but usually at night or in the evening instead of first thing in the morning.

they should invent "Kinja Gold" just for this comment.

There are a few reasons i don't plan on deleting Facebook anytime soon-

sadly, Shenmue seems to be long forgotten in Asia.

lol, people in China are well aware of what's going on, many of the elite don't have to bother hiding their sports cars abroad.

more like isn't Walmart a fucking joke?

giving underpaid employees who hate their job the authority to sign off on photoshopped printouts is some corporate darwin award shit.

this isn't even a very effective troll, you can deposit coins in a coin counting machine at the bank, and pass the charges on to the payer, which he is obligated to honor if he insisted on paying with coins. basically, the dude is gonna end up paying more money than he would've had to.

driving WA to PA? that some jack kerouac shit

it's not the cost that's at issue, it's the clarity of the billing policy. people happily pay 20 USD for 2 hours of wifi, knowing fully well that it's much more than they'd ever pay if they weren't stuck in a plane.

wow, i'm really attracted to her in this pic.

the answer is, they weren't in any kind of romantic relationship. they were colleagues, and had he decided to just ask her on a date or simply tell her how he felt, he could've saved himself 500,000 Yuan (and possibly gotten the answer he was looking for, or at least would've had more of a chance without the

yeezus fucking christ, this entire incident having happened is worth it just for this pun right here.

i might be able to understand people forgiving him for the Rihanna incident (even though i don't) but the ridiculous thing is he has assaulted others since then, more than once. it really does seem like people don't care. my guess is that his level of exposure was so high before, that the percentage of listeners who

well no, it's just common sense. you seem rather confused. maybe you could ask an exceptionally patient person to explain the concept of credibility to you. the fact that you would lump Sarkeesian in the same category as random trolls speaks to the level of cluelessness you're displaying.