i'm no friend of Israel, but my understanding is that the sticking point is right-of-return for the descendants of Palestinians who were ousted from places that are currently part of the Israeli state (not the settlements)
i'm no friend of Israel, but my understanding is that the sticking point is right-of-return for the descendants of Palestinians who were ousted from places that are currently part of the Israeli state (not the settlements)
wait, scientologists don't wear tuxedos? what's the reasoning behind that particular eschewal?
wheat thins and coke zero, now that's a puff-piece reporter with fine taste
i can wrap my head around the part where she cynically courts controversy (and therefore attention/viral video/relevance/album sales) by making a rapey song about rape.
that was confirmed to be fake. forgot the details, but there was a post about her cat (and its name) before the 4chan post and news story. some loser just stalked her twitter and blog.
yes but there was a bit of a public backlash to that, in the form of chastisement from every publication ever, and the Feminist Taylor Swift twitter account that got popular. i'm sure she has reconsidered her position, particularly since her comment seemed more out of ignorance than a premeditated attack on feminism…
i think Tyler was being facetious. the joke was that Thicke's career is over anyway, so there's no fame or wealth to make him more appealing to her. not exactly Louis CK material but he tried.
now i understand if someone as busy and important as Lady Gaga needs her employees to manage her time for her, but how and why are they managing her health?
it sounds like the kind of job that's usually selective on the basis of experience rather than qualifications though.
the worst thing about Halo 2 was the bait and switch- and i'm not talking about playing as Arbiter. I didn't have a problem with that.
i respectfully disagree. i've met rich people who couldn't string a sentence together, and people from ultra-rural Midwestern hellholes that study linguistics. it's not about class.
Computational logic. it's logic remastered.
interestingly it's the same argument that's being used by Israel apologists to defend the extent of civilian casualties in Gaza right now. "why don't you guys complain about ISIS/Syrians/Boko Haram instead? those dirty brown savages."
people love to latch on to the prison situation in America to argue for all kinds of ridiculous bullshit. i've heard someone cite the same stats (solitary confinement, botched executions, drug offenders etc) to argue that the US was more backward than Saudi Arabia.
...women go to prison too