lord gloom

i think the point is that despite all the amazing innovations they come up with, which seem from the characters' perspective like they're the first steps into uncharted territory, they're not the only ones discovering that computer interfaces should invoke a personal connection with users, and that network users love

dude if you heard the first REM when it first came out you're pretty fucking cool.

the most insulting thing i saw was "College girls are easy" by Beastie Boys.

shit is that why R.E.M's Reckoning sounds quiet as fuck? I've never heard it on CD.

I think it's kind of okay for musicians in that there are supportive fanbases and local scenes, and if you're at a point where millions of people are familiar with you're work, you're most likely being compensated in some way, and if you aren't aiming for those kind of numbers there's still more of a structure in

you probably don't listen to hip hop, electronic music or indie rock.

he seems to have confused the meaning of "inspires sentiment" with the word inspiration itself.

No, the author of the article is referring to the relationship people (listeners) had with the physical media when that was inherently part of listening to music. He never said such a relationship was necessary, just that it was there.

Apparently House of Cards is incredibly popular among high ranking Communist party members. They love seeing the US lose face, as they view the program as undermining the US' attempts to promote itself as a free and open country with "human rights".

You don't get to play ball unless you're a member of the club in China. In most cases, non Chinese companies and individuals are dependent on local party conduits, and they're happy to exploit the situation to whatever extent, including fucking people over entirely.

I wonder if there's an alternate universe where the illuminati is called the animati

I too come from a country other than the USA. You're just boring, wherever the hell you're from. Fuck your stiff upper lip and holier than thou attitude.

go troll elsewhere, backward person. no one's looking for your approval or for that matter your complete lack of contribution to the discussion.

I'm not sure what your level of awareness is considering police corruption and its lack of prosecution in countries like India, but the scale is way worse and a lot more shameful than Derren Wilson.

At this point they may as well bring in Russell Brand to join that bar singer.

I think season 2 feels more derivative than eclectic though. This is where it suffers from season 1 having come out first, I suppose, in that there hasn't really been a character driven cop show on cable with the slight amount of vague supernatural undertones that season 1 had. That alone takes away from season 2's

Not really, backward is backward. There's a reason people pretty much universally dream of getting the fuck out of certain places. Really the same concept as how people in America dream of leaving their depressing flyover state for somewhere that isn't miserable, except they're also dealing with with more corruption,

I agree, and I also think it's weird that the third one has no connection with Puzo's work, yet it sucks. It was at its best in the second film, where Coppola wrote Michael's story and used Vito's backstory from Puzo's novel to make the character more enigmatic than either the book or the first movie. If they could

what's worse is that he got a suspended sentence. not a day in jail.

The high profile lawsuit wasn't the only time it happened.