
Technically not a TV series, or is it?
The Maytag repairman?

Love you George…
Thanks for thinking up goofy shit.

Soo, now Zoidberg is big!

The only "long lost twins" were in Ricci's shirt.

Kickass Sayid was hot, but Wet-Shirtless Sawyer was hotter.

totally cute in one of your dress shirts and panties cooking you breakfast, and would do it fast enough to leave time to knock off a quickie before you had to leave for work.

Minor mystery solved?
Was it Nadia in the coffin in LA? In the newspaper clipping Jack was reading?

Daaamn, you're right. I'd totally forgotten about that book (twenty-five years is half my life). Never made the connection. I'm gonna hafta reread that sucker. Thanks for the reminder, Bucky.

So there's hope?

Dark Angel…
Dammit Cameron! You owe me a movie!

All those Cannucks…
and Bob and Doug MacKenzie couldn't be bothered?

I loved that bit. "I got a therapist and I'm over that now, mostly."

I think Rachael Ray
would look totally cute in a long sleeve mens' shirt (no pants) cooking breakfast. And, she'd get it done in half an hour; leaving time for a quickie. If that's wrong, I don't want to be right…

The Hell of It…
Paul Williams, from Phantom of the Paradise. We all know someone who deserves it.