Richard Falk

Hahahaha, this is a heartwarming story, another illegal gone, no excuse, they do not belong at all. All they do is drive down wages, eat away our social security/systems, increase crime, and hurt the nation, but at least Mexicans aren’t 1-1000ths as bad as the subhuman, mentally retarded 55-75 IQ sub-Saharan Afreakans

Yeah, this land whale died of a heart attack. Her mother is a crisis actor, James Fields is a drooling mentally ill patsy that a black SUV dropped off and put into the drivers seat, as they took away the stunt driver that plowed the crowd. They downed the copter who witnessed it, welcome to the 2017 Chatlottesville

Your welcome to come, just ask before you go. White Identity politics is always fine with non-white allies, many of us read an intellectual black man to get some of our inspiration in the fight to save ourselves from extermination by evil Bolshevik Zionist KHAZAR “Jews”. Blacks need to know nowhere else will they get

Man you people at The Root are absolutely stupid. When an innocent women is gunned down by the police, you should GO OUT AND SUPPORT HER FAMILY and GO AFTER THE POLICE WHO DID THIS. Why? Because Blacks are supposed to be at the forefront of anti-police brutality action. You just showed your hand, you don’t give a sh-t

Putin is a hero and so are OMON who break apart the gay pride rallies, attended by non-Russian provocateurs and agitators.

All you faggots can think about is cock. Proves you are perverts and degenerates, the man is loved by the entire world. and being gay isn’t illegal in Russia, pushing it on little children is. Why don’t you go protest the dozen or so Muslims countries where they execute them, or the majority of African nations where

All you homos can think about is penis. Proves you are perverts and degenerates, the man is loved by the entire world. and being gay isn’t illegal in Russia, pushing it on little children is. Why don’t you go protest the dozen or so Muslims countries where they execute them, or the majority of African nations where

All you faggots can think about is cock. Proves you are perverts and degenerates, the man is loved by the entire world. and being gay isn’t illegal in Russia, pushing it on little children is. Why don’t you go protest the dozen or so Muslims countries where they execute them, or the majority of African nations where