Lorde Michaels

The jokes, while funny to me in the 1980's are even more funny to me as a maried 38 year old man who is on the brink of becoming Stan.

The ACTUAL one.

That Laura Marling album is dope in a sad, British songstress type of way.
Not on this list but worth checking out is Ha Ha Tonka's newest one, "Heart Shaped Mountain".

I'll only watch if Fred has to wear the exact same Jets jacket as he did on The Wonder Years.

Cokeheads was frowned upon.

Tracy was always one of my favorites. He's the son I never wanted and never supported in any way but sometimes think of fondly for a few brief moments.


You're saying my IOU's aren't worth anything?

When will these young kids learn they can't hang with me and Paul?

I can confirm this to be true!

Stoked for the Conor Obrest one, the full band versions of the songs, have so far, been wildly different than the acoustic versions released last year.

When he got tackled at the goal line, is that how he got paralyzed?

If you only *vaguely* remember the nudity, did it really even happen?

I logged in to say I did terrible, dirty things to myself after seeing her in the shower in Vacation. I became a man that day.

Darth! *studio audience squeals when Darth Vader enters the Cheers Cantina*

Donald and Woody are going to get the rest of this cast hooked on the marijuanas.

The cops have a version of his story too but they're called police reports.

oh man, that's tough. Winding Wheel and Oh My Sweet Carolina for sure, then maybe Desire, Dear John and Please Do Not Let Me Go. I could swap out Desire for Outbound Train if pushed. You?

I don't know if he's saying it or it's a way to push sales / spins? Since he owns the label I think that comparison is getting slapped on by music journalists for article clicks.

Me too Walrus King, me too.