Lorde Michaels

Maybe after 3 or 4 heartbreaks they get easier to deal with?

Pneumonia was basically just his first solo record with only Caitlyn on board from the original lineup.

Outbound Train might be one of his Top 5 songs ever. And that's saying something.

It can be two things!

What color is your bulbous facial appendage?

I don't even own a TV…

Don't forget Mick's excellent mouth harp skills.

This coincides with the exact time frame in which David Bowie was caught with Mick in bed by Mick's then wife. I want the lurid, bare man chested, cocaine riddled truth. Now we might never know what happened. Dancing In the Streets only or was there in fact some Dancing In the Sheets as well?

Keith's is actually good so…

I can't wait to pull up Spotify while driving around in my Little Red Corvair.

Do you count it as a list because it has 2 songs on it?

I can't hit you with a rock from here but howabouts some of this INTERNET SHADE?

Well, Let's Go!

Batman made the cut! Sometimes life is okay.

Kalamazoo for me.

Will swore up and down that Cheri was funny. I believed him.

I knew i could do it.

Since I'm not as cool as y'all I'm excited for Ryan Adams, Old 97's, Jesca Hoop, and Alison Kraus.
Also, no mention of Prince's catalog hitting the streaming services or did you cover that someplace else…:)

Nothing like a Supergroup where you cannot name a single person involved other than "Bass player from that one band that had that one song and Drummer from the sessions of that one soundtrack album.

Lots more people gonna get pregnant with Planned Parenthood getting defunded added to Prince being on streaming services. Damn it Donald!