Lorde Michaels


This reminds me of the BBQ scene in Me, Myself and Irene were Jim Carey's co-worker says something like Damnit Man! Them boys' dicks are bigger than them sausages!" cause the kids are 100% black and large and he's skinny and white but claims they are his own kids.

They have a mandatory "Just The Tip" priced in on parties of 5 or more.

Flavor Town? Is Guy Fieri taking over for Hefner?

Cory Booker, you rascal!

I told her to stick around or she'd be doing short arcs on Fox sitcoms and now here we areā€¦

He shaved his damn beard for you people. Watch the video and give thanks to the Father!

I can agree with this.

I think it's out in March or April on Sub Pop.

i just listened to Bohemian Polka this morning. What a coincidence!

This is a great album to spin on vinyl, turn down the lights, light a candle and then continue dissecting that dead hobo in your bedroom.

There seems to be some bark to this story.

Check out the video of the just posted song by Father John Misty "Pure Comedy". Nothing like fresh inauguration video as he bashes the Donald. So, so good.

Maybe it's because no one knew what a "come head" was?

As the guy who got the studio to let the Lonely Island do their thang, I agree with you!

**Nickleback's press agent quickly gets "We Hate Him Too" soundbite ready**

Maybe the best album on this list? I think so.

Upvoted for someone outside of Nebraska knowing who Willa Cather is.

Heart attacks and diarrhea in one sitting? Sign me up!

Upvoted for classic BFF x 2!