Lorde Michaels

Upvoted for timely topical humor.

This whole EP is angry and just the way I like my NIN.
Trent even growled effectively again for a change.

Email? That's a sticky wicket!

Scared you'd find out you can't be a contrarian with all that great beer out there? I think the tap room at New Belgium was super fun and Avery makes amazing beers for my money.

Dirty Bastard is the correct answer.

it's hard to get any Rahr & Sons outside of Texas. Where are you at?

I didn't like it as much as I'd hoped. However, i did enjoy the Christmas Sweater vibe of the label.

So who do you like in Colorado? There's only about 500 other breweries to choose from.

***In Bob Saget voice***

I don't Knowles.

Hey! He's not in prison!

Hey, you drink a twelve pack of those gluten free beers and tell me you don't get a tasty buzz!

They have those?

i was surprised how many panhandlers there were. Like, on every corner!
Every day they are there, sometimes with their kids. Makes me almost feel something when I just throw my leftovers on the street for the dogs and raccoons.

Even in Gary?

I'd let either of them smuggle my plums.

He didn't pay the troll's toll.

Bobby Womack is an underrated great. I've been getting into him lately, really digging him and Donny Hathaway lately.

A lot of people have made this comparison and I'm glad it was acknowledged by the cast and creators. I hope to see this movie soon.

Call Ticketron is my fave track today. Yesterday it was Legend Has It.
What will it be tomorrow?