Lorde Michaels

Coyote by Joni Mitchell. It blew my mind the first time and I'd love to get that feeling back. Basically that song is a first time heroin high for me. I'm still chasing the tiger.

"Hey Gall bladder, remember when you were a pain in my back / neck / chest and I thought i was being stabbed by a psycho with an ice pick? Good times, huh?"

The man was a true artist.

Don't no one tell the HOPPER how to stack his records, man!

Don't you love it when people tell you to lighten up about a subject that actually affects you and not them?

I always love when a comment about a show's writing looks like an 8 year old wrote it using a telegraph.

i thought Dickens glided over that part in A Christmas Carol, are we sure Marley's dong wasn't hanging out with the ball(s) and chains?

i felt that since Bernard fell down on the same side that he had the gun pointing that maybe he didn't actually shoot himself. If he had, wouldn't that bullet have some impact and change the direction he fell? i.e. gun to right side of head should force body to move / fall left after being shot…

As a recent dad I can agree with you SO MUCH.

Get back to us when he tours with the McDonald's rip off / Black Sabbath band Mac Sabbath.

I posted my Top 5 upthread but both of these you've mentioned made the cut. Kudos to you internet M.D. for having great musical taste.

Those were good times.

I enjoy reading your musical recollections. Getting personal about how you connect to the music is something I enjoy sharing about myself too. This comment of yours could have been ripped from my journal about my purchase of NIN's The Fragile.

Does no one have any love for The Unforgettable Fire? It's probably my go to U2 album of the 80's.

Where The Streets Have No Name would be awesome

That is a tough call.
I'd hafta go with:


Too soon!

I discovered Rhett Miller by seeing him open, solo, for Tori Amos in the early aughts.
I have since become a big fan of his and the Old 97's but i would have never guessed Bowie was his north star!

I was listening yesterday to the commentary from the Mike Doughty album where he re-configured the Soul Coughing songs and one of the songs is called "The Idiot Kings" and during the discussion of the song they name checked our own AVC Club's Idiot King and it made me a little sad because i miss hearing from him here.