Lorde Michaels

That banner included projections of McCain wining some states too. Could it have been that it was from the Primaries of 2008? Methinks yes.

Seriously one of my favorite actors out there.
He can do comedy and you'll watch and be like " Yeah, this dude knows how to do it".
And then the same thing happens when he shows up in a drama.

I know, mind BLOWN.

A friend of mine owns a little coffee shop and he freezes Mexican Cokes in ice cube trays and then puts them in coffee. It's amazing!

i happen to live close to a meadery and also belong to a homebrew club that does a group honey buy so we can get some of that famous Tupelo Honey.

Trump - "Regular Modelo you can stay. Negra Modelo? I'm sorry but you're fired"

Is it because you make it from Apples? I assume you are also staunchly anti-cider?

What if the daughter wanted to be The Wasp?

Since he plans on destructing the planet and all of nature we won't have any bees.
No bees, no honey.
No hone, no delicious mead.

I was gonna go with Immortan Don but this'll do.

Since I'm a grade A beer snob this is no big deal to me.

You should get a new family.

I thought i might try something new this year.

Is it acceptable to watch this while drinking alcohol?
Ya know, cause family and feelings?

I love many moneys. It's why i do most things i do!

Part of me is happy this is even a thing someone has thought about but the other part of me is seriously concerned for that person's well being and mental health.

It's weird cause that's how I end every day.

Like a tearful bowl of potatoes.

Doby wouldn't even be an appetizer to these dinosaurs.

I was hoping someone would crush that softball!