Lorde Michaels

i think, at least for me, it's because he had a mission and a plan. Sure, he wanted to shock people, parents especially but the way for him to get to be what he wanted was to continue to put out albums full of songs that were actually good. This is pre-social media, Youtube and whatnot. I heard about him via word

Holy Bat Boner!

I think you're on to something here The Cage.

IPA's have really shifted in the last 2-3 years. It used to be all about how hoppy they could be, how chewy and dank could you stand. IBU's pushing the limit. Now they seem to be trending towards different, fruitier tasting / smelling hops. This citrus-y hops have allowed my wife to drink IPA's and actually like

Same. Also Avery Brewing has two different barrel aged versions one with rye and one is rum I believe. Both are 12 ounce bottles at over 17%.

Luckily Sierra Nevada makes a December time IPA.

I think I heard the brewery got bought out or that they upped the amount they produced and the quality dropped.

i like that they already have a release date scheduled.

Dennis: [the drug dealers are stopped for speeding] I'm afraid you'll have to blow.
Dealer #1: Blow *you* to get out of a ticket? Come on!
Dennis: That's not funny, I meant you'll have to use a Breathalyzer.
Dealer #1's Girlfriend: I'll blow 'im!
Dennis: Maybe later. Next century. Let's go.

"They're not worms, they're leeches."

It's almost time to start watching Home Alone again. Yay!

"A book cover is only skin deep. Sometimes you have to read every word to get the whole picture."

"Oh, yeah, just one little drawback to this delightful winter sport. The high-speed crash. Ooh! That hurt. Always remember, your bones will not break in a bobsled. No, no, no. They shatter."

"Sorry folks, parks closed….the moose out front should have told ya."

"I'm a mog: half man, half dog. I'm my own best friend!"

Candy Quote Off:

Trent could have just used the entire Fragile discs for this, at least their titles.

Trump would call this movie's premise a Terrible Lie!
Probably sourced by China!

Is "Before the flood" a dig at The Downward Spiral's production? Probably not.

If i could go back in time, I'd try to convince Clinton a soul patch would look good on him or old school Civil War mutton chops for Carter. Those would be aaaamazing!