Lorde Michaels

i laughed a little at the Home Alone 2 joke from last week's SNL episode. That was pretty good.

Why, That's almost 70 years!

If Al would grow back his mustache that would be amazing! When was the last time we had a president with a straight up caterpillar on their lip? And don't say "we are about to!"


Vicki. Vicki Vale.

I have to go with the poster for Vacation. Just glancing at it you'd think it was an action adventure movie. But looking closer you see all the little details that make it great! The dog! The girls! The tennis racket? The kids jumping on the hood of the family truckster!

Do you think it's sold out by now? Should I even try?


Hopefully this game can satisfy that "watching a bear rape a dude" hole I've felt since I got let down by The Revenant.

If there's one thing I hate it's a Illinois woodworker.

I sure hope the Peanuts gang will be alright financially after this!

My tastes in television pretty much stick to SNL and other shows I executive produce, etc but i think the only thing I've seen her in was one of those cheapo ghost movies, something like Haunting In Georgia 2. Anyone else seen that? Was that her?

Upvoted for timely, relevant Ben lyrics.

My new band name: Maximum Undies Destruction

I SO enjoyed reading these. I am sure I'm not the only one who queued up what was available digitally to soundtrack what each little band blurb was about. I also have a gazillion CD's and only recently stopped purchasing them and went 100% digital. I'm also a completest so i have EVERY Neil Young album up until

We aren't paid experts. We expect a lot from the pros!

I knew you'd have the 1000 Homo DJ's listed.

Best comment on the subject. Next!

Everything tastes better when you're high as hell, right Snoop?!

This was one of his books that i held off on reading until i had read all the others i wanted to. It really didn't do anything for me. Granted, i didn't have Carla Gugino in my minds eye at the time…