Lorde Michaels

Sadly, this premise could become reality if Trump is elected president / overlord.

If you can claim knowledge of a certain brand of 1000 piece puzzle your life may not be all that fulfilling. Or maybe it is? How the hell do I know?

Will this be better than Josh's solo stuff or his Father John Misty stuff?
Who cares! As long as there are more tunes from Robin it's a win win.

Yeah, if it's scripted that they can be killed then they can. But this isn't the case with this narrative.

Neither of you said JR so you're both correct!

He has THE BEST Christmas music.

My dad's cousin had a sweet sound system in the 80's and would always show it off using Axel F. It ruled as a 8 year old.

There is a whole art collecting underworld I knew nothing about. Also, i have framed prints from Target on my walls at home. Coincidence?

I remember when he was a Big 8 track star at Oklahoma State.

I do play a mean version of Chopsticks so I'm practically there!

I would have to imagine he has (or Iman now) multiple houses in NYC and England. But even still, I went to the Sotheby's site and there are easily 100 paintings listed as belonging to Bowie. I just think it's funny that he'd possibly be like me with concert posters, just stacked against a closet door waiting for

Where would he have kept all this art? I always wonder that of art collectors, there's only so much wall space.

I'd love him to host our Christmas episode.

I'd happily pay $.25 for an issue of Rolling Stone. What a deal!

I still dig The Layover

I for one will not hold him up.

This is just a ruse to get all the creepy clowns locked away for good.

Who is your favorite character?

Long article but well worth it. Thanks!

Thanks for the link, that was a GREAT read.