Lorde Michaels

I remember that night.

Upvoted for #4.

Me too! They're just so washboardy.

No you didn't. *Keytar solo*

I liked her collab album with Tony Bennett. It really showed that she can actually sing, unlike a lot of Pop Stars out there.

This could be a good month for albums, not quite on September's level but good nonetheless. I've heard the new Conor Oberst record and if you like his more stripped down stuff this is a can't miss. Really looking forward to the Norah Jones too. I'm someone who enjoyed her reaching out for new musical styles and

I'd watch a movie featuring Zac Efron putting on and taking off business shirts, showing brief and not so brief shots of those abs. Is this that kind of movie?

Unlike the Lochte story, which he shared live on the news I read this on the internet so it must be true.

How do you know her kids didn't set up the robbery? :)

Anytime Xanderpuss!

That was in a Whitney Houston song, wasn't it?

When those guys left the apartment they Run The Jewels.

People will joke about this, including me probably, but that would be scary as hell to be robbed at gunpoint by some dudes who obviously knew she was going to be there and had a plan in place. Even though I think Kimye are helping dumb down America I'm still glad no one got hurt.

Kanye and Kim.

This explains SO MUCH of the rage and angst Kylo Ren showed off.
He's from frickin' Jersey!

Really enjoyed the Ron Torbert jokes throughout the article. Good job!

Did he make the kid buy the deluxe book and vinyl combo before signing the note?
I bet no.

Looks like Beema's family Hanukkah card.


That one we can definitely do.