Lorde Michaels

Yeah, you should talk about music more on here or other places. You've got great insights! I was just lamenting on here yesterday how there isn't enough music talk for me on this site. Thanks for helping a brother out.

I'll check it out.

I don't think I'd fight too much…

The only thing scary is this trailer is KSTEW's hair cut.

That Trucker's album is amazing too. Pretty political, especially the song What It Means. I seriously got teary when I first heard that song. It gives Bruce's American Skin (41 Shots) a run for it's money as a critique on the treatment of African American "criminals".

Bajillion dollars? Even I can't afford to watch this show.

Andy Griffith and Ron Howard was pretty awesome on The Andy Griffith show.
However, my personal favorite is Estelle Getty and Bea Arthur on The Golden Girls. They insulted each other ALL the time but behind the snark was true, deep love.

I wish I would have known about this a year ago, would have been cool to see this each day.

The banjo around the 2 minute mark of ______45_____ would agree.

Some, less informed people would argue that the lyrics ambiguity means he isn't good at writing lyrics. But I'm with you, I think they are amazing. Different segments of sentences hit you with his music, a phrase here and there get stuck in your brain and you'll hum them to yourself all day.

I've played the 3 singles about 20 times each and have been awaiting more. Listened to the whole thing today and it doesn't disappoint. It's pretty in a very ugly way, if that makes sense. I wonder what the hell is in his head when he creates this stuff?

I love that track, especially because his voice cracks a little bit.

Not even for Pudding Pops?

You're going to have one HELL of a Christmas Party!

I like the ANOTHER ONE one best.


I"m listening…

I'll just veto them anyway.

Did the tix work? Inquiring minds, etc.

I'm counting albums released after 2000 that contain songs from before that. That said, Ain't Good Enough For You of The Promise hits my sweet spot. 70's feel mixed with 50's style rhythms, The ( I assume ) baritone sax meshing with the piano. Has a great bar band feel. The band echoing his vocals around the half