Lorde Michaels

Here's a question kinda linked to this story…Are there other music sites where conversations like these happen? I love these features and a lot of the music stuff on here i save and read and reread. But there isn't enough of it. I don't care about the food stuff. I really like talking about and listening to music

Radio Nowhere is a great tune, full of energy and guitar riffs.


One of the lines will be "Say ello to ma liddle frend", right?

Guess what? I already bought that Springsteen book on Amazon without this prompting. You get nothing AV CLUB! NOTHING!

After the election I'm going to hire Donald to play himself.

Sometimes you just want to put the cookie dough in the oven, amirite? But for serious, I've read your posts here for quite a while and we are in similar marital situations. I'm interested to hear the other answers.

If you aren't sure your ready then you're not. Do what I do…get lost in an artist's discography and enjoy the songs. Sing a lot. Write your music. But I think you had better work on that whole 'oversensitive about my songs' stuff too.

i can vouch for that!

Some of them (Ronnie Wood I think) have had kids in the last 2 years.

Or Vodoo Lounge?

Needs Midnight Rambler or 19th Nervous Breakdown.

Those hacky sacks aren't organic. Get out of our circle Bro!

I have 24 Tori Amos discs. I need my own Binge and Purge for just her stuff.

Taco - Puttin on the Riiiiiiitz!


I'm getting two of those fish wiener sucker thingies.

Yeah. So? I like yearly praise and respect.

Classic Jason.

"fondles his Tick"