Lorde Michaels

I don't have to listen to you Will, you're not my dad!

I can help! If you like accoustic-y stuff, try their Gleam ep's. If plugged in is ok, try Mignonette. And, if you want to hear the genesis of them becoming popular, listen to their first with Rick Rubin, I and Love and You. That album is pretty much amazing.

Words hurt, ya know!?

French fried transmissions.

I don't trust that guy with the mustache up there. He looks sneaky.

I….I don't understand any of those other than Crying Jordan. Am I too old to meme?

Ben Folds is one of the funniest musicians out there. I wanna hire him!

I have money in a savings account. I bet she'd date me now.

Pretty sure Anne Murray has this effect.

Thanks goodness for this link, I was lost on the internet's road to nowhere.

Anytime you feel like you want to reconnect and get that closure remember the feeling you had when you sent the video or your second message. You deserve better.

Take time for yourselves. There may be people that you feel like you need to speak to (maybe you don't even know them) and those add up and you'll leave your own wedding not having eaten dinner. It's true, the reception (if you're having one) is usually for others but take time to have a couple of memorable moments.

On screen talent - "What's all this white stuff that isn't man goo?"
Local - "Ehrm, snow…"

I have to know…Did your boss ask you what you were listening to / writing down? That would be awkward as hell for about 99% of people who have bosses.

I collect unpublished photos of Richard Nixon so i can wholeheartedly say that I love Dick picks.

I read this with his voice in my mind and I was NOT let down. He seems like he'd be the best celebrity to be friends with. So positive and caring. Is it possible that us snarky Clubbers can be smitten with this man? I know I am.

That was the only one I had. Sad face.

Oh yeah? Well I was in to Mask and She- Ra!

Pew pew pew pew pew pew

Dolls? Dolls? You must have had different toys than me because mine were action figures!