Lorde Michaels

Hey, I want one!

This is like a Cajun Clifford scenario I presume.

Maybe he's one of those people who get terrified when giving a TELEPHONE INTERVIEW!!!

Come on Gumbercules, he'd be asking for one of his own signature spices with his face on them!

Yeah, it was like he was ashamed of liking Joe Walsh's mustache back in the day or something.

He was our jumping off point.

Who else watched this whole thing waiting to see some dong?

If you consider the hallways and out by the elevator bank "offices" then I'd say they split one office.

I've always felt it hasn't been the same since Anthony Michael Hall left but what do I know?

We tried to hire the housekeeper but struck out.

I'm not made of money…

Was your source Anthony Crispino by chance?

Only one new white guy. I'm making progress y'all!

That's so Raven.

RIP Wheels.
Never forget!

More like "Boing" since i already went to Google…

As a kid i desperately wanted to be like Dan Fielding. As an adult I realize I'm more like Bull and not anything like Dan.

Quick. To google!

Hell, i put up with the Charles and Di stuff just to see her outside of the courtroom!

He's gone a long way from singing about having to have a job. Now he's "falling asleep" while driving and hitting other people's cars, ensuring THEY will have to keep working to pay for the auto repairs.