Lorde Michaels

Upvoted for the Mingus and the Mitchell. Is no one copping to owning John Mayer though? Dave Matthews either?

I fear this also. Prying minds want to know Lawzlo!

That got a real LOL from me. Now my boss is looking at me weirdly. You got me AGAIN Cersei!

I have 3 160 mb's ones full to the brim that I only use at night when I'm trying to fall asleep. I was running out of physical space for all the CD's I have. This article intrigues me greatly but I don't think I could dump any of the ones I own. I mostly use my Spotify account to play music at work because I'm

I love it when ole Tom's had a couple sarsaparillas during the show.

1. Paul Simon
2. Bob Seger
3. Wings
4. Steely Dan

I listened to Sgt. Peppers last night for the first time in a bit and it sounds perfectly fit for the 60's and today.

Those were light sabers!

I'd go with The Verve Pipe / Brian Vander Ark. To me, so much more than a one hit wonder. His lyrics are insightful and really hit home now that I have a baby boy.

One Time One Night is just about the perfect song. Great strumming, singing, plucking etc. When the accordion kicks in on the bridge, magic! Do yourself a favor and listen to an 80's album that doesn't sound like it was made in the 80's. By The Light Of The Moon is a great entry point to Los Lobos.

It's got to be The Breeders "Last Splash". That was the perfect storm for CD purchasing. One great song / video to hook you, music was becoming important to a lot of kids and they wanted to start their own collections, etc.


I notice you left out the David Bowie cover…

I'd throw in the X Files TV show and even movie soundtracks.

It was playing on my stereo the night I asked my now wife to be my then girlfriend. It's got a lifetime pass from me.

I watched it too and was hoping for more Joni…:(

Do you like Diana Krall's version of Black Crow?

Let The Wind Carry Me
Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire
Don't Interrupt The Sorrow
Black Crow
Talk To Me
Don Juan's Reckless Daugter
Rainy Night House
For Free
Court And Spark
Car On A Hill
(Just from the 70's period)

My list of Top 3 Joni albums changes with the seasons it seems but right now For The Roses is my fave.

All of the upvotes. Not even Bloomed?