Lorde Michaels

Or how slow the driver is.

Better than a rat tail hair cut like I had in 3rd grade…

Everything I think is funny stems from watching WAY TOO MUCH Lancelot Link.

If there's one thing teenage girls dig it's young Broadway stars.

Just a collection of tossed off "nuggets" that didn't make other albums?

Are we forgetting Death To False Metal on purpose?

I have climbed up to this mountain top to shout to the world "I LOVE THE RED ALBUM AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!!!"

I bet Michael Ventrella was actually popular today.

I have some insider info, Julia Sweeney's carpet matched the Pat curtains if you know what I'm saying.

I value your opinion.

1987 for the win!

Read this in Bruce Willis' voice.


You made me feel better about myself so you have that going for you…

Sketch? No. Musical Guest 3 times.

At least you didn't buy it! After viewing it just sits there on the shelf with the other DVDs. Each time you pass it you remember the 2 plus hours of your life you will never get back.

I laughed when Immortan Joe got killed too.

Upvoted for "Vajourney"

Having a baby. We have a 3.5 month old son and boy howdy are there times I've wanted to scream at the misses. We've had our worst fights during this time and in the 20 years we have been together it's never been like this. Obviously it's sleep deprivation and stress causing most of these episodes but man oh man do I

BOWIE laughs in your direction