Lorde Michaels

Hey, our opinions align!

I guess I was thinking of rehearsals…

Upvoted for sharing!


You're getting warmer…

I tried to warn him about doing "Peepers" but he loved spitting bananas.

Spelling Ack Ack proved too tricky?

The only problem with this is I'm not done growing up yet…

This sounds like the kind of movie I'd watch….on mute.

Sounds like he will be the Secretary of Acting under President Trump…

Proof you aren't blind.

I thought you were going to go with "Hey Pitchers! You don't want the hitters to celebrate? Try not being belly itchers then!"

Here's a thought…Baseball is expensive to get into. Camps. Bats. Gloves. It's priced itself out of America's Pastime.

So did Mama…

I bet Willie is smoking a joint in honor of Merle right now. I mean, he'd be smoking one anyway but this one is extra special.

Now I can sleep tonight. Thanks!

She can like u2 if she wants! It's a free country!

A line my friends and I still quote came from the episode where Zack goes to the mall to buy concert tickets (Remember when you had to line up to buy tickets from Ticketmaster?) and a old black lady is in front of him and says "I never miss a U2 concert" in a gruff voice. I can't remember if she then gets the last

Oh, I yearn for the days of my first decade but the kids just don't click on Janis Ian links anymore…

I tell myself this most nights. So far, not much luck. :/