Lorde Michaels

So there won't be any records post 1991 for sale?

See, she's a shoe in for country stardom!

I think we all came here for the Alanis story…

Sarandon calls her cleavage "Thelma and Louise"

That Nicole Curtis looks like a Country star. You know, cause boobs and blonde hair.

As an Avetts fan, I don't think these dudes are going to be infringing too much…

Just Noodlin'

Never let it be said that AV Club writers aren't Master Baiters.

I got catfished into clicking on the story. I done took the bait!

I picked it up for my wife, on 8 track. She's never listened to it. Boy is my face red!

Are you saying that because Scott the bass player used to play with Vanilla Ice. Vanilla. White. Boring. Vanilla Ice.


If Brian Bell keeps his hair long, Rivers stays the same age.

Aren't all your albums White?

So it's their version of "Dear Prudence"?

Flesh Mob.

I was going to lose my mind if the Ben Folds Five song wasn't on here. Thankfully his "punk rock for sissies" music gives me an outlet for my paper shredding levels of aggression.

Upvoted for any Richie Havens. You and I have similar musical tastes it appears. Cheers!

Destiny! Destiny! No escaping death for me!