Lorde Michaels

I wish a helicopter would take them "Hi Enough" so that when it ran out of gas above a rusty spike factory the NUGE would explode on impact.

The term "Supergroup" gets bandied about when it really only applies to this band. Each one of these people is a legend. Yes, even Jeff Lynne. Them Crooked Vultures is closest and that's like comparing Pizza Hut to Totinos.


I'm starting a navel gaze band called "Butt Stuff".

This newswire has me hoping it actually IS a tumor.

You're telling me!


Don't blame me this time!

My showing was the noon one on Friday. There were a whooping 18 of us in the theater. And I only saw one light sabre. It was on the hip of some mid fifties looking guy, kinda like where he would normally holster his cell phone. He was wearing a buttoned up to the top polo and slacks otherwise.

John Legend's "Nutmeg" has to be the dirtiest clean Christmas song ever recorded.

I saw Star Wars. I also consumed McRibs. That counts as Pop Culture, right? Also watched Marc Maron's newest comedy special and kinda enjoyed the SNL. Best sketch for me was the Hoverboard commercial.

Anyone else see Star Wars this weekend?

I tried it. It was fun.

I'm going to go ahead and patent "SNL-Smell"…

I watched them all. Twice.

Nope. The villain lives in a Christmas dimension.

Plus an album cover featuring freshly photographed urine!

I would take a bullet for this song.

Here's another plug for this. It could be considered a Christmas book. A scary, unsettling Christmas book.

One of the happy surprises of this book (there isn't a lot of happy) is the overlap of some of King's characters in this book and the main baddie of this book shows up briefly in the Shining Not Sequel.