Lorde Michaels

There was a quick shot to his driveway with his parent's car in it and their suitcases laying on the ground. I think we were meant to grasp that he had in fact turned and then attacked them.

My age.

I'm thinking of being in a sketch or two this year.

The infographic is too small for me to read it clearly so I'm going to take a guess here and assume the top song is How Bizarre by OMC?

Agreed, dude just LOVES talking movies. And talking. Sometimes about movies.

Maybe that interviewer forgot that Bruce Willis had a #5 hit in the country with a cover of the Staples Singer's song "Respect Yourself". Much appreciation should be shown to a true artist like the great Walter Bruce Willis.

In the pic above it looks like Billie Joe has blowers cramp, maybe Tre wasn't All By Himself…

They actually played some Doors during the diner scene.

Not one kid has ever wanted to come hang with me while I tell the cast "No, it's not funny". I'm fun. I'm always smiling and eating poutine and stuff.

So, he can't participate or he can? I'm confused.

I always like to go with "Look whatcha did, ya little jerk" or "A whole cheese pizza just for me" or even "Buzz…your girlfriend. Woof."

Yeah, it's 'Klingon".

Urkel mispelling…"Did I do that?"

When I was a tween my friends and I pilfered a John Holmes film of exquisite nature. It was called Pizza Girls. Each person in our group of friends got to have the tape for a weekend. For some reason, this sequence stuck in my head and now every time I am going to get pizza or am eating pizza I think or at least

"Did I Do That?" in my most Erkelish voice.

Don't forget Victoria Jackson!

Agreed on Shadows!

This was the album that made me take another chance on him. When I was younger I couldn't get past the nasally voice and the mumbled lyrics. I always liked his songs, but only when they were recorded by other groups (The Byrds, Jimi, etc). This album hooked me and I'm now proud to say I'm a fan. Now, I'm not a

I'm sorry to say the giant spiders and snakes got more dialogue…

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